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Beauty Studios
Radiant Ink
Saline Tattoo Removal

What is saline tattoo removal?
Saline tattoo removal is a method of removing pigment from skin using a saline solution. This solution will bind to the pigments, break them down and draws them to the surface of the skin.
The technique uses the same tattoo machine, movements and pressure as during a permanent makeup procedure, and can be compared to just getting your brows or tattoo done again, but in less time.
Do your eyebrows look like any of these?

Did you get bad microblading or powder brows?
Maybe you have red, blue, pink, or purple eyebrows?
Or maybe it’s just fading out but it’s still too dark and saturated to have new pigment and a pretty refreshed brow?
This is really important to understand that removal will be the ONLY choice to get some of that old pigment gone. You simply CANNOT keep packing pigment on top of pigment and expect a different outcome.
Let's get those old brows gone!

How many sessions of removal will I need?

Does saline tattoo removal hurt?
LI-FT Removal
Li-FT is an EXCELLENT product that has been getting amazing results in the removal of pigment from the skin.
This product can also be used on body tattoos but no bigger than about 3 inches wide x 3 inches high. This is because the technique would simply take too long, and I recommend looking into getting laser removal at that point.
Li-FT is an all-natural unique solution for correction and lightening.
It can safely lift out the unwanted pigment from the skin immediately for an emergency removal (only in a 24-hour period after the procedure) or can be performed in sessions on old unwanted permanent makeup from years ago
PLEASE NOTE- this procedure is only a pigment lightening service; the skin can never be replaced or returned to its natural state.

What is this solution made out of and how does it work?

Am I a candidate for saline tattoo removal?

Everyone must have a consultation before booking a lightening or removal session. This is provided for FREE and can be on the phone/text with pictures.

During removal procedure
Clients with special events, travel plans, or who work in an environment with the probability of high bacterial exposure should choose the right timing for the lightening procedure, so aftercare instructions do not conflict with these activities or work schedules.
You must heal a minimum of 8 weeks between each removal sessions and 12 weeks before re-tattooing the area.
Keep the treated area dry
Avoid exercising, swimming, sweating, gyms, high public traffic areas such as hotels, airports, grocery stores, etc.
Avoid contact with the procedural area directly with hands that have not been thoroughly washed.
For several hours, and in some instances longer, the wound may weep lymph blood and fluid. These fluids can be blotted off by applying pressure (no rubbing) with a clean paper towel or tissue
The procedural area should be cleaned with a gentle product such as Cetaphil, Neutrogena or Crave (gentle products without fragrance, acidic ingredients)
Topical cosmetics may not be applied over the procedural area to coverup or hide the appearance of the wound. Cosmetics may contain ingredients that are contraindicative to healing wounds, may contain bacteria
Keep the tattoo lightened area dry when bathing. This is more difficult for body art tattoos. While showering, people who have had cosmetic tattoos lightened may turn their back to the shower spray and gently blot off any moisture with a paper towel.
Under no circumstances should the crusts that develop over the wound be removed.
If you will notice any sign of the infection consult with a doctor

What are the primary differences between laser and saline tattoo removal?

$175 for 1st removal session
$125 for any sessions thereafter
Please review the cancellation policy before booking
$75 Booking deposit due today to save your seat.
$75 is Non-Refundable & will go towards the cost of the service and the remaining balance is due upon completion of the service.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we respectfully request you do so 48 hours in advance so that we may have the opportunity to schedule another client.
You will forfeit your $75 when the 48 hours' notice is not given before your appointment.
If you need to reschedule, another $75 deposit will be required.
Missed Appt & Cancellation